
Contribute To Peace

We need dedicated people who can donate their time to help us bring more members to join our organization. We have prepared a signature sheet to obtain information of our new members. We will put this signature sheet on our website to increase the visibility of our organization. Once we reach to a point and feel that there is enough interest in our idea we then will start contacting other religious organizations, private foundations, and individuals for cash donations. These donations will be used to purchase land and for the construction of various places of worship based on our design concept. Our organization believes in what once President John F. Kennedy said: “A man may die, Nations may rise and fall but an IDEA lives on.” We wish to carry this idea further and would like to invite people of all religions and cultures to come forward and join this organization.

To learn more on how to become a member of the wonderful organization, Please fill the form below:

  1. Name *
    * Please enter your name
  2. Email *
    * Please enter a valid email address
  3. Message *
    * Please enter message
